Full Dentures
Full dentures are manufactured to replace the loss of natural teeth on either upper or lower jaw or even both. Each denture is custom made to create a natural appearance.

Implant Retained Over Dentures
Implant Over Dentures are constructed to cover much less of the tissue in the mouth. This is obtained by having a number of implants surgically placed in the mouth by a Dental Specialist. Implants increase the stability of the denture. Movement of the denture is much less than that of conventional denture. Certain criteria is required to be suitable for this option.

Cobalt Chrome / Metal Dentures
Metal framed partial dentures are manufactured to replace missing teeth. A thinner, stronger and more comfortable designed denture to wear. Certain situations are recommended to use this type of denture. It can replace a single missing tooth or multiple teeth.

Partial Dentures (Acrylic)
Partial acrylic dentures are used in situations to replace missing teeth. Certain situations are recommended to use the acrylic denture to that of the metal framed above. It can replace a single missing tooth or multiple teeth.

Repairs And Relines
Almost every broken denture can be repaired. It may require an impression at times, whether it’s a broken denture, a broken tooth or metal clasp it can be repaired. Relines are carried out to refit the fitting surfaces of the dentures to the mouth after it has changed, the mouth continually changes and dentures do require maintenance to make sure they are fitting correctly and working efficiently for you.

Sports Mouthguards
Custom fitting mouthguards are vital when playing competitive sport. Off the shelf mouthguards do not have the same comfort levels or allow you to breathe as easily as that of a custom fitted mouthguard. Mouthguards not only protect your teeth but also help reduce the severity of concussion compared to when not wearing one. A large variety of colours are available to choose from.